This is an old revision of the document!
BALUG (, etc.?) Wiki
- The below may not be a current and complete list, one may want to consult the index.
- as of 2010-02-20, pages on this wiki have been "restored" (and shuffled about and edited a bit) from the wiki pages that used to be on/under http://[www.] but may still generally be rather to quite out-of-date.
- Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) (pages mostly of interest to BALUG folks; see also system administration policies / "rules of the road" (this box) and subordinate pages for areas that do or may overlap SF-LUG and/or
- LUG Projects: Projects (Suggest/discuss/imagine undertakings the group could take on to further our knowledge/fun/sense of adventure.)
start.1266739085.txt.bz2 · Last modified: 2010-02-21T07:58:05+0000 by michael_paoli