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CDs, DVDs, ISOs, images, etc.

It's fairly common for CDs, DVDs, etc. to be made available at BALUG and other User Group meetings.

These are CDs/DVDs/ISOs and such typically currently (subject to availability and/or request) made available by Michael Paoli at BALUG and some other user group meetings (e.g. Berkeley Unix User Group (BUUG), Bay Area Debian (BAD), Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG), Ubuntu Hour (San Francisco & Berkeley), and sometimes San Francisco Linux Users' Group (SF-LUG) and others).
Other folks may also bring (some of) these and/or additional CDs, DVDs, etc.

Notes: qty (quantity) 0 or marked with *, architecture, EOL - see also Notes further below (towards bottom of page).

Also, if there are Open Source images you are particularly interested in obtaining that don't at all show as listed below, perhaps inquire, as noted further below, and we may add such to our "inventory".

And don't forget, CD-RW and DVD+-RW media is rewritable - so don't toss those out just because their data is outdated. Donations of rewritable or blank media or funding thereof also appreciated.

The listing of images has been split into multiple tables, with tables as follows (and placement in appropriate table may not always be up-to-the-minute):

  • Recommended - most/more current (not to be construed as recommending or not recommending particular distribution(s))
  • Alpha/Beta/Testing/Unstable - is or based upon such, or not yet production/stable release - for those that are more adventurous and understand the risks
  • Supported / not "too old"* - still supported or not "too old" (not currently more/most recommended/current, but still potentially fairly useful)
  • Unsupported - no longer supported and generally no longer recommended; note that these may only be made available by specific advance request (by default typically won't bring these older CDs/DVDs to meetings, but may have the images on optical media or available to possibly "burn" to media)

Within each table distributions/images are not sorted in any recommended order, but rather are generally sorted by distribution name (some variations (e.g. "spin") within may be sorted separately by that particular name, especially where that's a different name), then by version/release/time, generally newest first, and within that by architecture (generally by most supported/promoted/used architecture by the release, to least).

most/more current

size qty architecture
(see notes)
full descriptor EOL
KiB media
368,640CD 0x86_64 CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1503 ~Q4 2020/2024-06-30**
370,688CD 0x86_64 CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-NetInstall ~Q4 2020/2024-06-30**
215,040CD 0amd64 clonezilla-live-2.5.2-3-amd64.iso
712,704CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.9.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20210327-10:42 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
711,680CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.8.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20210206-10:38 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
710,656CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.7.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20201205-11:17 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
711,680CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.6.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200926-10:17 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.5.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200801-11:35 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.4.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200509-10:26 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
630,784CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.4.0 "Buster" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20200509-13:34 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
657,408CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.4.0 "Buster" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200509-11:59 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.3.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200208-12:08 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
629,760CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.3.0 "Buster" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20200208-15:21 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
657,408CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.3.0 "Buster" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200208-13:42 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
628,736CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.2.0 "Buster" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20191116-13:04 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
654,336CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.2.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20191116-09:57 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.2.0 "Buster" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20191116-11:33 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
2,777,120DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.2.0 xfce 2019-11-16T12:33 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
628,736CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.1.0 "Buster" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190908-04:06 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.1.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190908-01:08 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.1.0 "Buster" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190908-02:38 ~=2022-09-08/~2024-06**
627,712CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.0.0 "Buster" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190706-12:34 ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 10.0.0 "Buster" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190706-10:24 ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 10.0.0 "Buster" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190706-11:31 ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,744,448DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 xfce 2019-07-06T12:07 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
1,315,440DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 standard 2019-07-06T11:55 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,877,952DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 cinnamon 2019-07-06T12:13 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,918,416DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 gnome 2019-07-06T12:12 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
3,109,920DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 kde 2019-07-06T12:13 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,771,680DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 lxde 2019-07-06T12:11 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,877,952DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 lxqt 2019-07-06T12:12 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,869,504DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 10.0.0 mate 2019-07-06T12:11 (amd64+nonfree) ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
316,416CD 0amd64 Devuan GNU/Linux 3.1 beowulf amd64 - netinstall 20210211
1,836,928DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 18.04.1 LTS "Bionic Beaver" - Release amd64 (20180725) 2021-04
1,927,648DVD 0amd64 Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" - Release amd64 20181217 Cinnamon 2023-04
1,885,696DVD 0amd64 Linux Mint 19.1 "Tessa" - Release amd64 20181217 XFCE 2023-04
1,951,578DVD 0x86_64 Manjaro Linux XFCE Edition (18.0) stable x86_64 (rolling)
1,338,368DVD 0x86_64 sparkylinux-5.1-x86_64-lxqt.iso
1,148,648DVD 0amd64 Tails 4.18-amd64 ~=2022-07-06/~2024-06**
2,651,616DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa" - Release amd64 (20200423) 2025-04/TBA**
929,792DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa" - Release amd64 (20200423) 2025-04/TBA**


is or based upon such, or not yet production/stable release - for those that are more adventurous and understand the risks

size qty architecture
(see notes)
full descriptor EOL
KiB media
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux buster-DI-rc3 "Buster" - Official RC amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190702-10:36 >~=2019-07-11/~2022-07-11**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux buster-DI-rc2 "Buster" - Official RC amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190624-11:31 >~=2019-07-11/~2022-07-11**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux testing "Buster" - Official Snapshot amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190618-22:46 >~=2019-07-11/~2022-07-11**
652,288CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux buster-DI-rc1 "Buster" - Official RC amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190411-22:33 >~=2019-07-11/~2022-07-11**
206,848CD 1arm64 Debian GNU/Linux testing "Buster" - Official Snapshot arm64 NETINST 20170705-16:07 >~=2019-07-11/~2022-07-11**

Supported / not "too old"

still supported or not "too old" (not currently more/most recommended/current, but still potentially fairly useful)

size qty architecture
(see notes)
full descriptor EOL
KiB media
811,008CD 0i686/x86_64Arch Linux ARCH_201610 archlinux-2016.10.01-dual.iso (rolling)
766,976CD 0i686/x86_64Arch Linux ARCH_201607 archlinux-2016.07.01-dual.iso (rolling)
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.13.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200718-11:07 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
645,120CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.13.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20200718-13:52 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.13.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200718-12:29 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
2,336,048DVD 0amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 9.12.0 lxde 2020-02-09T04:36 (amd64+nonfree) >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.12.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200209-02:13 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
645,120CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.12.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20200209-05:19 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.12.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20200209-03:39 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
645,120CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.11.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190908-20:54 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.11.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190908-18:12 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.11.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190908-19:37 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
644,096CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.9.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190427-12:04 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
654,336CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.9.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190427-10:30 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.9.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190427-11:18 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
644,096CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.8.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190216-13:40 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
654,336CD 1*amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.8.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190216-11:59 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.8.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190216-12:51 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
643,072CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.7.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20190123-21:08 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.7.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190123-19:36 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.7.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20190123-20:26 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
643,072CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20181110-13:03 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20181110-11:34 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.6.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20181110-12:19 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
643,072CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.5.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20180714-11:59 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
655,360CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.5.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20180714-10:25 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.5.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20180714-11:11 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
386,048CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.5.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 NETINST 20180714-11:10 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
642,048CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.4.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20180310-12:30 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
661,504CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.4.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20180310-11:21 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.4.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20180310-11:55 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
640,000CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20171209-13:49 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171209-12:11 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171209-13:03 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
640,000CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.1 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20171013-15:27 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
663,552CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.1 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171013-13:08 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.1 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171013-14:15 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
640,000CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20171007-14:55 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
663,552CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171007-12:09 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.2.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20171007-13:31 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
640,000CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.1.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20170722-14:09 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.1.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20170722-11:29 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.1.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20170722-12:43 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
640,000CD 1amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.0.0 "Stretch" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20170617-15:50 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 2amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 9.0.0 "Stretch" - Official amd64 xfce-CD Binary-1 20170617-13:07 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
662,528CD 2i386 Debian GNU/Linux 9.0.0 "Stretch" - Official i386 xfce-CD Binary-1 20170617-14:23 >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
2,248,064DVD 1amd64 (un)Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 9.0.0 xfce 2017-06-17T17:36 (amd64+nonfree) >~=2020-04-29/~2022-06-17**
254,976CD 0x86 Gentoo Linux Installation LiveCD install-x86-minimal-20160621.iso (rolling)
1,907,568DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS "Bionic Beaver" - Release amd64 (20180725) 2023-04/2028-04**
1,876,800DVD 1amd64 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS "Bionic Beaver" - Release amd64 (20180426) 2023-04/2028-04**
1,602,496DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release i386 (20180228) 2021-07
1,550,400DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170801) 2021-07
1,517,760DVD 1*amd64 Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170215.2) 2021-07
1,477,840DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160719) 2021-07
1,451,056DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160420.1) 2021-07
825,344DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 18.04 LTS "Bionic Beaver" - Release amd64 (20180426) 2023-04/2028-04**
844,800DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170801) 2021-07
815,104DVD 0i386 Ubuntu-Server 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release i386 (20170801) 2021-07
670,720CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160420.3) 2021-07


no longer supported and generally no longer recommended; note that these may only be made available by specific advance request (by default typically won't bring these older CDs/DVDs to meetings, but may have the images on optical media or available to possibly "burn" to media)

size qty architecture
(see notes)
full descriptor EOL
KiB media
683,008CD 2i386 antiX-15-V_386-full Killah P 30 June 2015 ~2018-02-05/~2020-06-06**
206,848CD 0i386 CentOS-6.5-i386-netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
248,832CD 0x86_64 CentOS-6.5-x86_64-netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
193,536CD 0i386 CentOS-6.4 i386 netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
235,520CD 0x86_64 CentOS-6.4 x86_64 netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
198,656CD 0i386 CentOS-6.3 i386 netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
204,800CD 0x86_64 CentOS-6.3 x86_64 netinstall 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
706,560CD 0i386 CentOS-6.3 i386 LiveCD 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
708,608CD 0x86_64 CentOS-6.3 x86_64 LiveCD 2017-05-10/2020-11-30**
9,716CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5 i386 netinstall 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
638,584CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-1of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
636,504CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-2of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
645,594CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-3of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
634,162CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-4of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
644,662CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-5of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
652,450CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-6of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
237,196CD 0i386 CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-7of7 2014-01-31/2017-03-31**
654,336CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.11.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20180623-12:30 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
577,536CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.11.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20180623-14:58 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
642,048CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.11.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20180623-13:07 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.10.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20171209-21:11 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.9.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20170723-16:05 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.9.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20170723-11:50 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.9.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20170723-10:30 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.8.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20170506-18:28 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.8.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20170506-14:13 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.8.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20170506-12:53 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.7.1 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20170116-14:30 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.7.1 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20170116-11:01 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.7.1 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20170116-10:09 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.7.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20170114-13:26 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.6.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20160917-18:46 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
644,096CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.6.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160917-14:25 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.6.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20160917-13:04 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20160604-19:56 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160604-15:35 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.5.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20160604-14:09 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
570,368CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.4.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20160402-18:59 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
645,120CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.4.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160402-14:46 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.4.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20160402-13:26 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
569,344CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.3.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20160123-22:16 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
642,048CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.3.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20160123-19:04 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.3.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20160123-18:04 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
568,320CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.2.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20150906-15:29 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
642,048CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.2.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150906-11:13 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.2.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20150906-10:02 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
1,480,752DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8 "Jessie" - (un)Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20150606-18:34 (8.1+gnome-desktop+nonfree) 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
1,648,320DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8 "Jessie" - (un)Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20150606-19:56 (8.1+gnome-desktop+nonfree) 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
568,320CD 2*amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.1.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20150606-18:40 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
642,048CD 1*amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.1.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150606-14:19 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
662,528CD 1*i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.1.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20150606-13:00 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
1,480,752DVD 1amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8 "Jessie" - (un)Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20150426-18:56 (gnome-desktop+nonfree) 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
1,648,320DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8 "Jessie" - (un)Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20150426-20:06 (gnome-desktop+nonfree) 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
568,320CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.0.0 "Jessie" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20150425-17:05 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
642,048CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 8.0.0 "Jessie" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150425-12:54 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
656,384CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 8.0.0 "Jessie" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20150425-11:43 2018-06-17/2020-06-30**
496,640CD 1*amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.8.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20150110-15:20 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
659,456CD 1*amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.8.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150110-14:43 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
638,976CD 2*i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.8.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20150110-13:32 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.7.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20141018-13:43 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
650,240CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.7.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20141018-13:06 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.7.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20141018-11:53 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.6.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20140712-14:48 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
650,240CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.6.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20140712-14:11 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.6.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20140712-13:02 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,422,624DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7 "Wheezy" - (un)Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20140427-18:26 (7.5+nonfree) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.5.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20140426-14:13 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
650,240CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.5.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20140426-13:37 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.5.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20140426-12:26 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.4.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20140208-14:31 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
637,952CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.4.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20140208-13:47 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.4.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20140208-12:25 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.3.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20131215-05:35 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
636,928CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.3.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20131215-04:56 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.3.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20131215-03:40 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.2.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20131012-14:43 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
637,952CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.2.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20131012-14:05 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
664,576CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.2.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20131012-12:56 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,207,680DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7 "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130822-16:02 (7.1) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,305,600DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7 "Wheezy" - (un)Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130823-07:37 (7.1+nonfree) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,294,336DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7 "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130822-16:17 (7.1) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,403,520DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7 "Wheezy" - (un)Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130823-07:58 (7.1+nonfree) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20130615-23:44 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
664,576CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20130615-23:06 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20130615-21:54 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,201,760DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130505-10:47 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,201,760DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - (un)Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130505-11:55 (+nonfree) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,288,016DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130505-11:37 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
1,288,016DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - (un)Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130505-13:38 (+nonfree) 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
496,640CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20130504-14:25 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20130504-14:44 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0.0 "Wheezy" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20130504-15:20 2016-04-26/~2018-05**
658,432CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.9 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20140215-12:23 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,152,000DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130304-07:48 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,147,904DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20130303-19:13 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
425,984CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 "Squeeze" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20130223-19:02 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
660,480CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20130223-14:06 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20130223-13:15 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,152,000DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20121214-15:35 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,146,880DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20121214-11:12 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
425,984CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 "Squeeze" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20120930-16:04 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,528CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20120929-16:46 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
663,552CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20120929-15:56 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,148,928DVD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot i386 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20120929-08:12 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,147,904DVD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20120929-05:34 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
427,008CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20120512-20:52 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20120512-13:45 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
195,584CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20120512-20:43 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
173,056CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 NETINST Binary-1 20120512-20:40 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,528CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20120128-12:53 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
660,480CD 0amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20120128-13:42 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,145,856DVD 1amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.3 "Squeeze" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20111014-09:54 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,528CD 1amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.3 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20111008-14:36 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
421,862CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a "Squeeze" - Official Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20110320-15:14 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,814CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20110322-15:11 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
661,150CD 2amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20110322-16:05 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,822CD 3i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20110319-13:42 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
661,156CD 3amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20110319-14:31 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
620,544CD 0amd64/i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0+edu+r0 "Squeeze" - Unofficial Multi-architecture amd64/i386 NETINST #1 20120310-22:18 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
657,776CD 2i386 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 "Squeeze" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20110205-17:27 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
662,992CD 2amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 "Squeeze" - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20110205-18:15 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
663,448CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.9 "Lenny" - Official i386 CD Binary-1 20111001-17:16 2012-02-06
163,392CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 r3 "Etch" - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20080218-14:15 2010-02-15
654,078CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r4 "Sarge" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20061116) 2008-03-31
651,484CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r2 "Sarge" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20060419) 2008-03-31
655,444CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a "Sarge" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20050607) 2008-03-31
599,968CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r2 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20031201) 2006-06-30
597,728CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r1 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20021218) 2006-06-30
597,824CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20020718) 2006-06-30
662,624CD 0i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-1 (20020718) (NONUS) 2006-06-30
661,216CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-2 (20020718) 2006-06-30
662,656CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-3 (20020718) 2006-06-30
656,960CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-4 (20020718) 2006-06-30
654,592CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-5 (20020718) 2006-06-30
657,760CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-6 (20020718) 2006-06-30
354,048CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 "Woody" - Official i386 Binary-7 (20020718) 2006-06-30
620,382CD 1i386 Debian GNU/Linux slink (2.1) 1/4 main binary-i386 section 1 SAM19990908 2000-09-30/2000-10-30**
1,886,208DVD 0x86_64 Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-29-1.2 2019-11-25
1,434,624DVD 0x86_64 Fedora 23 Live Workstation 2016-12-20
1,437,696DVD 0x86_64 Fedora 21 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2015-12-01
1,305,600DVD 0i686 Fedora 21 Desktop Live Media 32-bit 2015-12-01
975,872DVD 0x86_64 Fedora 20 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2015-06-23
944,128DVD 0i686 Fedora 20 Desktop Live Media 32-bit 2015-06-23
663,552CD 0x86_64 Fedora 20 Desktop Live Xfce Media 64-bit 2015-06-23
973,824DVD 0x86_64 Fedora 19 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2015-01-06
937,984DVD 0x86_64 Fedora 18 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2014-01-14
910,336DVD 0i686 Fedora 18 Desktop Live Media 32-bit 2014-01-14
660,480CD 0x86_64 Fedora 17 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2013-07-30
661,504CD 0i686 Fedora 17 Desktop Live Media 32-bit 2013-07-30
618,496CD 0x86_64 Fedora 16 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2013-02-12
703,488CD 1x86_64 Fedora 14 Desktop Live Media 64-bit 2011-12-09
4,268,204DVD 1i386 Fedora Core 2 i386 2005-04-11
138,240CD 0x86/AMD64 Finnix version 110 x86/AMD64 2015-06-03
134,144CD 0x86/AMD64 Finnix version 109 x86/AMD64 2014-05-31
122,880CD 0x86/AMD64 Finnix version 108 x86/AMD64 2013-11-13
119,808CD 0x86/AMD64 Finnix version 107 x86/AMD64 2013-05-08
119,362CD 0x86/AMD64 Finnix version 106 x86/AMD64 2012-12-24
116,622CD 2x86/AMD64 Finnix version 102 x86/AMD64 2011-10-22
669,552CD 0amd64 FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1 2016-12-31
601,530CD 0i386 FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1 2016-12-31
212,992CD 0amd64 Gentoo Linux install-amd64-minimal-20141204 (rolling)
201,728CD 0x86 Gentoo Linux install-x86-minimal-20141209 (rolling)
209,920CD 0amd64 Gentoo Linux Installation LiveCD install-amd64-minimal-20141106.iso (rolling)
201,728CD 0x86 Gentoo Linux Installation LiveCD install-x86-minimal-20141104.iso (rolling)
198,656CD 0x86 Gentoo Linux x86-minimal-20131008 (rolling)
233,472CD 0amd64 Gentoo Linux amd64-minimal-20131010 (rolling)
58,536CD 0x86 Gentoo Linux x86 2007.0 (rolling)
4,590,208DVD 0amd64/i486 KNOPPIX_V7.5.0DVD-2015-02-08-EN (live)2016-04-26/~2018-05**
4,126,206DVD 2amd64/i386 KNOPPIX_V7.4.0DVD-2014-08-01-EN (live)~2018-02-05/~2020-06-06**
717,712CD 1*i386 KNOPPIX_V7.2.0CD-2013-06-16-EN (live)~2018-02-05/~2020-06-06**
713,980CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V7.0.5CD-2012-12-21-EN (live)
712,068CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V7.0.4CD-2012-08-20-EN (live)
716,640CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V6.7.1CD-2011-09-14-EN (live)
715,764CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V3.7-2004-12-08-EN (live)
716,702CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V3.3-2004-02-16-EN (live)
716,728CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V3.3-2003-11-19-EN (live)
716,150CD 0i386 KNOPPIX_V3.3-2003-11-03-EN (live)
508,472CD 0x86 Security Tools Distribution (STD) 0.1 (live)
1,562,112DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170801) 2019-04-21
1,581,488DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 16.04.3 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release i386 (20170801) 2019-04-21
1,534,080DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170215) 2019-04-21
1,551,920DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release i386 (20170215) 2019-04-21
1,485,120DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160420.1) 2019-04-21
1,692,288DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 17.04 "Zesty Zapus" - Release amd64 (20170412) 2018-01-13
1,718,640DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 17.04 "Zesty Zapus" - Release i386 (20170412) 2018-01-13
1,347,920DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" - Release amd64 (20151021) 2016-06
1,067,616DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20150219.1) 2019-04
1,063,920DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20150219.1) 2019-04
1,053,520DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140722.2) 2019-04
1,048,576DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20140722.2) 2019-04
1,036,288DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20140416.1) 2019-04
720,896DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 12.04.3 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20130820.1) 2017-04-28
723,968DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 12.04.3 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20130820.1) 2017-04-28
720,172DVD 0i386 Kubuntu 12.04.2 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20130214) 2017-04-28
723,968DVD 0amd64 Kubuntu 12.04.2 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20130214) 2017-04-28
712,444CD 1i386 Kubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" - Release i386 (20101007) 2012-04
713,572CD 1amd64 Kubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" - Release amd64 (20070417) 2008-10
1,855,008DVD 0amd64 Linux Mint 18.3 "Sylvia" - Release amd64 20171124 (Cinnamon) 2023-04
47,758CD 0i386 Linuxcare Bootable Toolbox (LBT) 2.0 (live)
936,960DVD 0amd64 Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" - Release amd64 (20130520) 2014-01
950,272DVD 0i386 Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" - Release i386 (20130520) 2014-01
698,968CD 0i386 Linux Mint 10 "Julia" - Release i386 (20101007) 2012-04
860,160DVD 0amd64 Lubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160420.1) 2019-04
719,872CD 0i386 Lubuntu 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20150218.1) 2017-04
626,688CD 0i386 Lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20140722.2) 2017-04
4,427,776DVD 0i586 openSUSE 12.3 i586 2015-01-04
3,601,248DVD 2i686 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP1 10.1-0 2008-08-13
4,029,984DVD 1i386 SUSE Linux 9.1 i386 2006-06-15
930,352DVD 0i386 TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) 1.0 i386 2014-05-31/2016-02-29**
1,952,640DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 18.10 "Cosmic Cuttlefish" - Release amd64 (20181017.3) 2019-07
902,144DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 18.10 "Cosmic Cuttlefish" - Release amd64 (20181017.3) 2019-07
1,150,768DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" - Release amd64 (20151021) 2016-07-28
1,123,872DVD 1*amd64 Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" - Release amd64 (20150422) 2016-02-04
1,160,992DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" - Release i386 (20150422) 2016-02-04
1,135,680DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 14.10 "Utopic Unicorn" - Release amd64 (20141022.1) 2015-07
1,158,720DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 14.10 "Utopic Unicorn" - Release i386 (20141022.1) 2015-07
1,044,480DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20160217.1) 2019-07
1,050,400DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20160217.1) 2019-07
1,019,904DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20150218.1) 2019-07
1,027,072DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20150218.1) 2019-07
987,136DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140417) 2019-07
1,004,544DVD 0amd64 Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140722.2) 2019-04
1,010,688DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20140722.2) 2019-04
993,280DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release i386 (20140417) 2019-04
916,480DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" - Release i386 (20131016.1) 2014-07-17
813,056DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" - Release i386 (20130424) 2014-01-27
771,372DVD 1i386 Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Release i386 (20121017.2) 2014-05-16
748,544DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20140204) 2017-04
723,968DVD 0i386 Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20130820.1) 2017-04
709,932CD 0i386 Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20130213) 2017-04
711,980CD 0i386 Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20120817.3) 2017-04
718,124CD 2i386 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20120423) 2017-04
711,980CD 0i386 Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Release i386 (20111012) 2013-05-09
701,742CD 0i386 Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Release i386 (20110427.1) 2012-10-28
714,954CD 1amd64 Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Release amd64 (20110427.1) 2012-10-28
709,792CD 2i386 Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" - Release i386 (20101007) 2012-04-10
711,674CD 1amd64 Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" - Release amd64 (20101007) 2012-04-10
711,084CD 0i386 Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20120214.2) 2013-05-09
712,384CD 0amd64 Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release amd64 (20120214.2) 2013-05-09
704,226CD 1i386 Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20110720.1) 2013-05-09
716,230CD 0i386 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429) 2013-05-09
714,310CD 1amd64 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release amd64 (20100429) 2013-05-09
715,898CD 1i386 Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" - Release i386 (20080423) 2011-05-12
642,554CD 1i386 Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Release i386 (20051012) (live) 2007-04-13
631,962CD 1i386 Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Release i386 (20051012) (install) 2007-04-13
695,296CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.04.4 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20140204) 2017-04-28
680,960CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.04.3 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20130820.2) 2017-04-28
671,744CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.04.2 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20130214) 2017-04-28
673,068CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.04.1 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20120817.3) 2017-04-28
700,716CD 2amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release amd64 (20120424.1) 2017-04-28
630,784CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" - Release amd64 (20150422) 2016-02-04
624,640CD 0i386 Ubuntu-Server 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" - Release i386 (20150422) 2016-02-04
595,968CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 14.10 "Utopic Unicorn" - Release amd64 (20141022.2) 2015-07
592,896CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 14.04.4 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20160217.1) 2019-04
609,280CD 0i386 Ubuntu-Server 14.04.2 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20150218.1) 2019-04
585,728CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140722.3) 2019-04
577,536CD 1amd64 Ubuntu-Server 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140416.2) 2019-04
705,536CD 1amd64 Ubuntu-Server 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Release amd64 (20121017.2) 2014-05-16
698,668CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Release amd64 (20111011) 2013-05-09
689,776CD 0amd64 Ubuntu-Server 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Release amd64 (20110426) 2012-10-28
600,064CD 1i386 wattOS-R9-Microwatt32 14.04 - Release i386 2019-04
1,212,416DVD 0amd64 Xubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20160420.1) 2019-04
1,078,176DVD 0amd64 Xubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" - Release amd64 (20151021) 2016-07
709,632CD 0i386 Xubuntu 12.04.3 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20130820) 2015-04-26
698,668CD 0i386 Xubuntu 12.04.1 LTS "Precise Pangolin" - Release i386 (20120817.3) 2015-04-26


qty (quantity) 0 or marked with *

  • qty (quantity) 0
    If you see one you're interested in that shows qty (quantity) 0 (zero) (that indicates have the ISO image, but don't have it presently on CD/DVD media), ask in advance, and we may be able to burn one for you or copy to blank CD-R, DVD+-R, CD-RW, DVD+-RW, or suitable flash storage (USB "thumb drive", or SD (SDSC), SDHC, microSD, or microSDHC. It may also help (or be required) to bring suitable blank (or rewritable) media in such cases. If not in advance, we may (or may not, depending who's there with what equipment and images, power and time availability at venue, etc.) possibly be able to burn you a CD/DVD or write bootable image of same to flash storage for you at meeting itself. If you're hoping for either of those services (where it shows qty 0), it's probably best to inquire in advance to the appropriate group's list (e.g. BALUG-Talk BUUG, etc.) or check in advance with person(s) you know that would likely be attending and willing and able to provide such.
    Also, if there are Open Source images you are particularly interested in obtaining that don't at all show as listed above, perhaps inquire, as noted above, and we may add such to our "inventory".
  • qty (quantity) marked with *
    If you see a quantity marked with *, that generally indicates, "our gift to you, for your donation of …". Generally donate some specified amount (e.g. $1.00 USD or $2.00 USD), and as your "free" thank you gift, get one media copy of the ISO. The reasons we may not just be simply handing these out for free to any and all takers, and without any donated contribution, may be or include: defraying cost(s) (obtain/replace media, carrier, label/imprint, burner incremental wear & tear costs, etc.), more valuable/versatile/expensive media (e.g. +-RW), and/or other reasons. And remember to not discard rewritable media (e.g. +-RW) when you're done with the image/data on that media - you can rewrite it, or donate the media back to us and we can reuse it. Also, I recommend (and practice myself), on rewritable media, use method that easily allows rewriting of the written/printed labeling on the media, e.g. I use wet-erase markers, so damp bit of cloth/paper can be used to wipe the obsoleted labeling off of the media, and one can write freshly with similar marker again, and repeat as needed.

media - if providing media for an image to be written/"burned" to, please ensure the media is of sufficiently large capacity. >=720,000 KiB is large enough for any standard CD ISO, >=4,596,992 KiB is large enough for any standard DVD ISO.


  • Check the documentation for the distribution, release, and version, for what specific CPUs and hardware are, or likely are supported, or generally known/believed to work.
  • Intel/AMD architectures - Intel 80386 and successor/compatible CPUs are generally the most widely supported among the distributions, though some distributions also support additional architectures. Distributions use varying descriptors, but generally use i386, i586, or i686 to indicate an Intel 80386 or compatible/successor 32-bit CPUs, and amd64 or x86_64 to indicate an AMD or Intel 64-bit CPU upwardly compatible with the Intel 80386 family of CPUs. Note that in many cases the distribution's architecture name may not, or may no longer, well indicate the minimum CPU required. E.g. most current distributions supporting 32-bit architectures with an architecture name of i386 no longer support the 80386 CPU.
  • Note also that some distributions also provide ISOs/images/media that supports more than one architecture - e.g. by allowing various alternative kernels to be booted and different architecture versions of packages to be installed.
  • Some specific distribution details follow, but in all cases one should refer to the documentation for the distribution, release, and version, for what specific CPUs and hardware are, or likely are supported, or generally known/believed to work.

End-Of-Life (EOL)

  • ** support is or may be quite limited, e.g. to only certain architecture(s), limited portion(s) of distribution/release, or only highly critical security bug fixes - see the more detailed information on the release/version of the distribution for more specific details.
  • ~ date is approximate/estimated/guestimated
  • (live) - indicates a "live" version, intended to be run live from CD, DVD, USB or similar, and (generally) not installed, and (generally) has no security or (critical) bug fix updates/support software releases, other than release of subsequent newer images
  • (rolling) - indicates a "rolling" release - continually or very frequently updated (e.g. weekly or more frequently), thus the images are always quickly out-of-date, however they may be one of the means to install the distribution or run it "live".

Much thanks to various folks that have in many cases provided these CDs, DVDs, ISO images, etc. (e.g. Grant Bowman, Elizabeth (Lyz) K. Joseph, the Ubuntu Local Community (LoCo) Team California, Eric P. Scott, Aaron Cohen, Bobbie Sellers, Rick Moen, and many others).

balug/cds_and_images_etc.1619532624.txt.bz2 · Last modified: 2021-04-27T14:10:24+0000 by michael_paoli

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