Mailman 2 to 3 list migrations ('s lists migration from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3

Things you'll generally want to be aware of regarding the migration and changes:

managing subscriptions, etc. via mail
If the list posting address is LISTPOST@LISTDOMAIN, e.g.
one can send help and other commands to LISTPOST-request@LISTDOMAIN, e.g.
One can also use LISTPOST-subscribe@LISTDOMAIN and LISTPOST-unsubscribe@LISTDOMAIN respectively to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Mailman 3 (notably -request address) will take commands from Subject (if present) and then Body of the mail message,
and end or stop can be used to indicate no further commands (e.g. to ignore an automatically added footer/signature, rather
than try and process it as additional commands).  These are the commands the mail interface supports:
help        - Get help about available email commands.
subscribe   - Subscribe to this mailing list.
unsubscribe - Unsubscribe from this mailing list.
confirm     - Confirm a subscription request.
echo        - Echo back your arguments.
join        - An alias for 'subscribe'.
leave       - An alias for 'unsubscribe'.
end         - Stop processing commands.
stop        - An alias for 'end'.
addresses of the form LISTPOST-join@LISTDOMAIN and LISTPOST-leave@LISTDOMAIN
may also be used for subscribe/unsubscribe.
Note that subscribe and unsubscribe generally require confirmation (to generally avoid misuse from The Internet by others).

For folks that may be interested in seeing lots of the planning and testing details for BALUG's Mailman 2 –> Mailman 3 migration, may want to have a peek here: