====== help/documentation for myip services under BALUG.org ======
===== http/https =====
https/http URLs for the services:\\
http or https may be used with their respective default ports 80 and 443,\\
domain names that may be used:\\
* %%www.balug.org%% (dual stack: this service available via IPv4 and IPv6)\\
* %%www.ipv4.balug.org%% (this service available only via IPv4)\\
* %%www.ipv6.balug.org%% (this service available only via IPv6)\\
Note that in the above, if the www. prefix is omitted, will HTTP redirect to include the www. prefix.\\
^Path portion of URL^notes ^
|/myip |give IP address of client as seen from The Internet |
|/srcip |not canonical and may go away in future, otherwise does like the above |
|/myconnection |outputs line contains additional information as described under [[#myconnection|myconnection]] under [[#ssh|ssh]]|
So, e.g:\\
[[https://www.balug.org/myip]] [[http://www.balug.org/myip]]\\
[[https://www.ipv4.balug.org/myip]] [[http://www.ipv4.balug.org/myip]]\\
[[https://www.ipv6.balug.org/myip]] [[http://www.ipv6.balug.org/myip]]\\
===== ssh =====
domain names that may be used:\\
* %%balug.org%% (dual stack: this service available via IPv4 and IPv6)\\
* %%ipv4.balug.org%% (this service available only via IPv4)\\
* %%ipv6.balug.org%% (this service available only via IPv6)\\
Note that the above may optionally be prefixed by www.\\
user / login name, use myip, e.g. ''ssh -T myip@balug.org'' or ''ssh -l myip -T balug.org''\\
There is no password and password is neither needed nor requested.\\
No pseudo-terminal allocation will not occur, so may want to use -T option or equivalent option/setting.\\
For ssh fingerprints, see DNSSEC secured DNS SSHFP records, for many clients, may also be able to use, e.g.:\\
''ssh -T -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=yes myip@balug.org''\\
One may also want to put suitable configuration options in ~/.ssh/config or equivalent, e.g.:\\
Host balug.org balug.org. ipv4.balug.org ipv4.balug.org. ipv6.balug.org ipv6.balug.org. www.balug.org www.balug.org. www.ipv4.balug.org www.ipv4.balug.org. www.ipv6.balug.org www.ipv6.balug.org.
User myip
RequestTTY no
VerifyHostKeyDNS yes
One can then conveniently do something like just: ''ssh balug.org''\\
In all output cases, the output is terminated by a single newline character.
==== myconnection ====
One may give a single command matching exactly one of these:\\
* myconnection
in which case the output is instead of just the first value from SSH_CONNECTION from the environment,\\
the full content of SSH_CONNECTION from the environment, which
is described on [[https://manpages.debian.org/stable/openssh-client/ssh.1.en.html|ssh(1)]]:\\
SSH_CONNECTION Identifies the client and server ends of the con-
nection. The variable contains four space-sepa-
rated values: client IP address, client port num-
ber, server IP address, and server port number.
$ ssh -T -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=yes myip@balug.org myconnection 53136 22
$ ssh -T -o VerifyHostKeyDNS=yes myip@ipv6.balug.org SSH_CONNECTION
2001:470:67:76f::2 58882 2001:470:1f05:19e::2 22
====== concept/design/alpha/beta - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED in production ======
Various URL query parameters that may be accepted.\\
For [[#http_https|http/https]] URLs/interface as noted further above,\\
with http or https, and one of those noted domains, and with path portion of /myip\\
that path portion can be followed by query parameters.\\
those start with an initial ? and then each subsequent parameter is separated from other by &\\
E.g. one could use:\\
to get a list, or\\
to get help, or\\
to submit an entry, etc.
===== list =====
===== help =====
help is exclusive and takes no value(s)
===== submit =====
Lots of documentation still to be done here:\\
submit URL, domain, or IP address\\
protocol https http dns ssh telnet\\
httpsport 443, httpport 80, dnsport 53, sshport 22, telnetport 23\\
class IN, type TXT\\